Chichén Itzá is one of the primary archeological destinations of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Chichen itza images– The enormous design that has made due right up ‘til today and which today is symbolic of the site, has an unmistakable Toltec impact.

The god who manages the site, as indicated by Mayan folklore, is Kukulcán, Mayan portrayal of Quetzalcoatl, god taken from the pantheon of the Toltec culture.
Chichen itza images– All things considered, we should consider that Chichén Itzá was a city or a stylized focus, which experienced different helpful ages and impacts of the diverse people groups that possessed it and that supported it since its establishing.
Settled inland, with a stupendous center of five square kilometers and a huge expansion of houses and places of optional significance, it has now been exhumed by 20%.
Chichen itza images– The name of the city signifies “the mouth or access to the well of the Itzáes”, alluding to the wells or cenotes that provided water to the place and that, most likely, molded its area.

The hallowed Cenote, situated at the base of a sacbé (Mayan stucco street), was where the clerics and the Mayan individuals went on a journey to toss offerings to the god Chaac.
Lord of the downpours, normally important articles, and where there was likewise human penances.
Chichen itza images– The most acclaimed and imperative working of Chichén Itzá is the Temple of Kukulcán.
Mayan portrayal of the god Quetzalcoatl. Known as “El Castillo”, it has a stature of 24 meters on a stage of 55.5 meters wide from which 4 stairs that speak to the cardinal focuses emerge, and whose number of steps, included, agrees with the 365 days of the year.

There are more galactic images: the nine ventured bodies partition the pyramid into 18 porches that symbolize the year and a half of the Mayan date-book; underneath, inside, there are 52 sheets that speak to the times of each consecrated cycle.
At the spring equinoxes – 21 March-and pre-winter – 21 September-something supernatural occurs on the north staircase.
A shivering optical hallucination: the means venture a play of light and shadow that make up the picture of the body of the serpent god Descending truly to arrive.
(down Kukulcán), symbolizing the order to go to rural work for the sowing of the cornfield before the entry of the stormy season.

Chichen itza images– The sanctuary of the Warriors is situated on a working in the state of a pyramid, its name is because of the bas-reliefs that beautify its pilasters that show warriors holding their detainees.
Be that as it may, the picture for which it is known is by the Chacmool that protects the passageway, a situated figure taking a gander at us, with his legs bowed and a stone bowl in his lap (maybe containing penances).
As far as it matters for its, the Ball Game is the biggest in all Mesoamerica with its 168 meters in length.
It comprises of two hoisted and parallel dividers in the focal point of which are the two unique stone rings, through which the ball needed to pass.

The Temple of the Jaguars is situated on the east mass of the ball game, on its back is a camera etched with portrayals of warriors, ministers, creatures and oceanic plants.
The supposed Complex of the Nuns was a castle, whose little rooms helped the Spaniards to remember the cells of a religious community, made out of three stories in which the Puuc and Maya Tolteca styles are joined.
Chichen itza images– The congregation is a little working with a lavish Puuc style improvement.
Loaded with openwork, in which the figures of the bacabs emerge, the four creatures that in the Mayan folklore bolstered the sky from the four cardinal focuses, spoke to as an armadillo, a snail, a turtle and a crab.

Encourage north, the Astronomical Observatory, additionally called “El Caracol” by its winding staircases, moderates all its structure.
Having the capacity to see, for instance, the hole of the relating dividers with the places of some divine bodies at significant snapshots of the Mayan schedule.
It is conceivable this round building and situated on two rectangular stages in various introduction, served to mention cosmic objective facts. Chichen itza images.