The center of Delegación Cuauhtémoc, and of the city, is colonia Centro and at its center is The Zócalo.
Historic center of mexico city Its official name isPlaza de la Constitución. Actually, zócalo implies platform, starting at a statue, however it has come to mean this space at the focal point of Mexico.

historic center of mexico city The court is set inside a gigantic casing, comprising of the Catedral Metropolitano on the north, the Palacio Nacional on the east, city govenment structures on the south and lodgings on the west.
What was before a commercial center and later a recreation center like court is presently la plancha, a level, cleared open space possessed just by a colossal flagpole bearing an enormous Mexican banner.
Historic center of mexico city Like a void stage, it calls to be loaded with performing artists and dramatization. It frequently is.

The administration of Mexico City (the government as of late changed its legitimate name and status from being the Distrito Federal, Federal District) regularly organizes colossal open celebrations.
Historic center of mexico city Amid Navidad – Tres Reyes (Christmas to Three Kings Day, Jan. 6), a three to four week occasion period, it sets up an ice skating arena, falsely snow-secured sledding runs and a monstrous simulated Christmas tree, a sort of Rockefeller Center South.
A few years back, Paul McCartney gave a free show to many thousands.
As of late, for Valentines Day, which is a significantly greater arrangement in Mexico than the U.S., the city government set up an enormous stage before the church building where a progression of groups played and after that the Head of Government, otherwise known as.
“leader”, Miguel Ángel Mancera directed at a mass wedding for 1,690 couples of each sexual influence. Gay marriage is legitimate in Mexico City.
Historic center of mexico city Indeed, before the Cathedral!

The Palacio Nacional has been the focal point of Mexico’s legislature as far back as the Spanish Virreinato (Viceroyalty), so it is where el gobierno, the administration, and el pueblo, the general population meet, once in a while gently, some of the time not.
- The evening of September 15, the start of Día de la Independencia, Independence Day, the court is filled for “El Grito”, the Shout of Independence.
In which the president, from the middle gallery of El Palacio, re-orders Father Miguel Hidalgo’s 1810 require a prominent rebel against the Spanish emissary (not the lord).

El pueblo, the general population, consider the Zócalo to be el corazón del país, the core of the nation, and that it has a place with them, not the administration.
So it is regularly asserted by them, that is by prominent associations, and loaded with mass exhibitions challenging a variety of issues.
Historic center of mexico city These can be encourages toward the finish of walks through the roads, or even campamentos(encampments) of little tents and lonas (canvases) which can keep going for a considerable length of time and even months.