Monte Alban-To go from the city of Oaxaca, we take a truck that departs from a movement office called “Viajes Mitla”.
We as of now had the address recorded and everything, we didn’t search for the excursion, nor guides, nor anything, just transportation.

Things being what they are we touched base at a decent time on the grounds that the truck to Monte Alban left in around 20 minutes.
So we paid 48 pesos for every individual and I invested the energy I purchased a delightful naturally crushed squeezed orange in a truck that was ideal beside me of the Office.
Monte Alban-And afterward the truck touched base, after a few laps and hops (in light of the fact that the street is to some degree unpleasant in a few spots), we landed at the archeological zone.

In spite of the fact that Monte Albán is just 8 kilometers west of the city of Oaxaca, the street is up and that is the reason it requires investment.
Monte Alban-Going to THE Archeological AREA
What’s more, here starts our walk, we had an aggregate of around 3 hours to see the entire place to take the vehicle back (it was around 2 and a half in the event that I recall effectively).

To find a bit with regards to this city, we should remember that it existed in the meantime as Teotihuacan.
Monte Alban-There appeared to be political and business organizations together between the two urban communities however these stopped before Monte Alban fell into decay.
Truly, this city like numerous others fell into disregard some time before the Spanish arrived.
Also, it may be the case that because of that today we can appreciate these archeological remains.

We began by taking a gander at Building X, the Ocote Palace (of which just the establishments were left) and another working of which I don’t recollect the name.
Monte Alban-We achieved a point where we could watch the whole valley. It was comprehended that the city had been worked there, the place was advantaged.

We were going towards the building that we would go up and it would enable us to have a worldwide perspective of the site, we found a wake to finish everything.
Monte Alban– After landing at our goal I contemplated the agony that would make me climb those stairs (the following day particularly).
In any case, they know it, they let you know “I will abandon you feeling squashed, yet I know you need to go up …
you can not avoid” and that being there, you can do it at any rate, so go up. We should comply with the pyramid